Configure FreePBX / TrixBox / PBX In A Flash for Anveo
Below is a sample configuration only. You must modify it according to your needs and security standards.
Using your web browser, naviagate to the Administration page and click the Setup option.
1. Select Trunks in the sub-menu and click on Add SIP Trunk.
2. Enter your Outbound Caller ID information, scroll-down and enter Anveo into Trunk Name. For Outgoing Settings -> PEER Details copy and paste the following entries replacing ACCOUNT_NUMBER and SIP_PASSWORD with your SIP information from Anveo portal:
3. Enter SIP Registration String as following:
4. Click on the Submit Changes Button.
1. Choose Outbound Routes and select the route you intend to use Anveo with. Scroll-down to Trunk Sequence and in an empty field select SIP/Anveo and click Add. Using the arrow icons, move the Anveo the top of the list.
2. Click Submit Changes and follow with a click on the red-bar at the top of your browser to apply the changes. Your selected calls will now be routed through Anveo.
1. Choose Inbound Routes and add a new inbound route. Enter your Anveo Phone Number in the Description field and Anveo Phone Number in the E164 format (country code + area code + number) in the DID Number field.
2. Configure the rest of options according to your needs.
3. Click Submit Changes and follow with a click on the red-bar at the top of your browser to apply the changes.